Sunday, May 6, 2012

Internet please stop helping me destroy my self worth

I do good things. I do worthwhile things. I have accomplished something (many somethings) in my life.

So why do I torture myself looking at what other people have and waste time being jealous. I know they worked hard to get what they have and if I applied myself to one thing instead of being  spread so thin I could have the same things. When I am able to take a step back and look at it I don't even really want those things.

Internet , you inspire me  to great creativity and also great angst. One of those things I could do without. I am neurotic enough without your siren song ....look at facebook.... just peek at their photos.... doesn't that blogger weigh the same as you why does she look so much better..... where is your grown up life.... where are your wedding pictures..... don't you do anything worth posting about.....  Internet , I can't quit you but I wish you didn't feed that evil little self esteem and motivation destroying demon in me.